At Al-Khair Secondary School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all our pupils, in co-operation with our staff, parents, and volunteers. We strive to keep all children safe under our care. This is done through the structure of our curriculum as well as through our daily routines,
Our Staff receive robust safeguarding training which is refreshed annually, including FGM & Prevent training. Our staff are trained to be vigilant for all kinds of safeguarding concerns, including bullying, online safety, emotional or other abuse or extremist behaviour. We have statutory duties to respond to any safeguarding concerns, and should a cause for concern arise, We will share information with other bodies – within agreed protocols.
We work closely with the Croydon Safeguarding Board and use their helpline to seek advice.
We are here to support you and your child. Please rest assured that we will always keep your child’s well-being at the forefront of everything we do. All adults who regularly work on our site are required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to prevent unsuitable people from working with our pupils. All visitors are closely supervised when on site.
The Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding and Child Protection for the girl’s school is Jamila Omar (
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding leads are: Fatima Bukhari ( and Aliya Ali ( The lead person for safeguarding and child protection on the Governing Body is Christopher Sanderson (
If you have concerns about any possible safeguarding issue, or would just like to get some advice, please contact any of our Designated Safeguarding Leads on the above email addresses and they will get back to you.